Inspiring Young Readers

Ten-Word Tiny Tales of Love by Joseph Coelho and Friends
Back is September 2023, I was fortunate enough to be able to review Joseph Coelho’s first offering in this series, which was simply entitled Ten-Word Tiny Tales. The beautiful ‘simplicity’ of the idea – a ten-word phrase that could launch any number of more complicated stories – was supplemented by his friends, some of the very best contemporary children’s book illustrators.
Of course, all the very best ideas seem simple after someone has had them and the idea of feeding the imagination with a tantalising, often enigmatic, ten-word sentence is in fact a brilliant one. And one that, as we here at the Letterpress Project know, works – we have in fact used the book with great success in school classrooms.
So, there’s not much need to mend something that isn’t broken and I’m delighted to say that the second book in this sequence holds to very much the same format as the first – but this time the focus is very firmly on the notion of love in all its various guises.
The inspirational ten-word tales are as enigmatic and stimulating as before and range from the potentially surreal:
“His long-lost budgie flew many worlds to find him.”
to the positively cosy and reassuring:
“Grandma’s hot chocolate was a furry hug in a cup.”
But as with the first book, it’s the illustrations that will knock your socks off. The ‘friends’ – including the likes of Mini Grey, Jarvis, Jon Klassen, Victoria Turnbull and loads more – each get a double page spread and, using their own unique styles, offer you another stunning visual take on the ten words that will just add to the richness of your own imagination.
Again the book ends with some helpful tips about how you can get started on your extended story once you’ve chosen which of the ten-word tales most inspires you – and that’s very classroom friendly too.
I know that Valentine’s Day is just rolling over the horizon, so here’s an idea: forget the cliched cards with saccharine sentiments – send your heartthrob this instead. It’s a gift for life that will just keep giving.
Available now from Walker Books, you’ll be able to get a copy from your local independent bookshop – who will be happy to order it for you if they don’t have it on their shelves.
Terry Potter
February 2025